MedForums are pivotal events that bring together the Mediterranean Model Forests Network to collaborate, share experiences, and chart the future of the network. The event features a general assembly where participants assess the current state of the network, along with an engaging program of learning activities, best practice sharing, and networking opportunities. These activities also focus on disseminating project results and exploring ways to replicate successful initiatives across the network.
The 2024 was the 9th edition of the MedForum. The previous edition had taken place in Turkey in 2022, in Antalya, during the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week. This edition was also held in parallel with the MFW, which took place in Barcelona (Spain) from 4 to 8 November 2024, titled “Working together for sustainable and resilient Mediterranean forests. Towards a collaborative roadmap”.
In this edition, the central theme of the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week was explored through the lens of the Mediterranean Model Forests. To broaden the discussion beyond the region, Jaroslaw Bator, representing the Northern European Model Forests Regional Network, and Patrick Wylie, Senior Policy Analyst from the International Model Forest Network Secretariat, Canada Government, had been invited to contribute their insights.
Here you can find the full event report, while below you’ll find a photo gallery and the presentations from all participants.
CO2 Model F0rest Compensation - Holding our hands has value in every sense!
We are aware of the impact we have and that is why we have thought of concrete actions for CO2 compensation of the representatives of the Mediterranean Model Forests during the 8MWF and the Med Forum!
The value obtained will be used for a forest restoration, afforestation, or environmental education project in one of the Model Forests of the Mediterranean Network in 2025!
Download the report to discover more abour the esitmation of Carbon Credits for Model Forest Representatives' Travel.