Fri, Mar 28, 2025

All Stories

From the Apennines to the Shouf: migrations of experiences and knowledge across the Mediterranean

A partnership of four private organizations based in Abruzzo (ILEX and Leaflab), in Milan (Oikos) and in Lebanon (ACS in Shouf Biosphere Reserve - SBR) with the leadership of the Municipality of Fontecchio (Abruzzo, within the candidate- Middle Aterno Valley Model Forest), applied for a grant by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) and won a relevant subsidy to fund the project “From the Apennines to the Shouf: migrations of experiences and knowledge across the Mediterranean (Lebanon)”.
From the Apennines to the Shouf: migrations of experiences and knowledge across the Mediterranean

OneForest Project

The project aims to create a multi-criteria decision support system for integrated forest management to strengthen forest resilience, harmonize stakeholder interests and ensure sustainability of timber flows.

OneForest Project

ForestEd: Education for sustainable development in the Mediterranean Model Forests

The Erasmus + "Forest Ed" project, that began the 2020 December and will last 16 months, stems from the need for a change towards a sustainable development model, in which all of us as a society, have an important role through our actions and in which forests are essential as they are natural capital, necessary for the conservation of biodiversity and to provide ecosystem goods and services essential for well-being.
ForestEd: Education for sustainable development in the Mediterranean Model Forests

FOREST-IN Project (2013-2019)

INovative and Educational INformation for the Sustainable FOREST Management by Smallholders FOREST-IN stemmed from the need to create a common ground to unite the various forestry agents from Portugal, Spain and France, countries that, in general, face similar forest issues. In these countries, the predominance of private forest property with very small areas and mostly under the management of owners without technical training, leads to the proliferation of practices that sometimes threaten forest integrity and productivity, while hindering overall ecosystem services. It is then urgent to promote good practices and forestry education.

FOREST-IN Project (2013-2019)

“Mutualiser exploitation forestiére et DFCI” Project

  • Video Caption: Best London Corporate
  • Video Duration: 01 : 35

PROBLEMATICHE: Conciliare lo sviluppo dell'industria del legno, la prevenzione dal rischio di incendi, la manutenzione delle infrastrutture pubbliche e la gestione sostenibile delle foreste.   OBIETTIVI: Coordinare e armonizzare le azioni degli attori forestali e i metodi operativi: Mettere in comune gli investimenti nel mantenimento dell'infrastruttura DFCI con quelli nella gestione delle foreste Raggruppamento di tagli pubblici / privati Incoraggiare la gestione sostenibile delle foreste partecipando alla lotta contro il rischio di incendio

“Mutualiser exploitation forestiére et DFCI” Project

Demoscope Project - ShowWood

  • Video Caption: Best London Corporate
  • Video Duration: 01 : 35

The Show Wood, conceived and created thanks to the "DEMOSCOPE" project financed by the Tuscany Region, is a wooden construction located in Rufina (Tuscany, Italy) which represents a space that can be used for the visibility and promotion of the "FMMF il Legno" brand, of Branded products and participating producers.

Demoscope Project - ShowWood

Traceability of the products in the MF Mirna River Basin

Traceability of the products in the MF Mirna River Basin was the project implemented in 2015 and funded by International Model Forest Network. The objective of the projects is to implement a new tool to help manufacturers in the Model Forest area promote their products in an innovative way.

Traceability of the products in the MF Mirna River Basin
