ForestEd: Education for sustainable development in the Mediterranean Model Forests

The Erasmus + "Forest Ed" project, that began the 2020 December and will last 16 months, stems from the need for a change towards a sustainable development model, in which all of us as a society, have an important role through our actions and in which forests are essential as they are natural capital, necessary for the conservation of biodiversity and to provide ecosystem goods and services essential for well-being.
Model Forests are test spaces where society, forests and local ecological knowledge converge, therefore the project identified Model Forests as strategic areas for researching good environmental education practices.
The project proposes a series of actions based on the exchange of knowledge, cooperation in areas of common interest and the collective development of innovation capacity to empower educators, youth workers, educational leaders and their support staff.
Specifically, the partners will present their experience in the field of environmental education, exchange knowledge and seek opportunities for common development.
Period of application of the project: from 2021 to 2022 (status: in progress)
The partner of the project are:
- Provence Model Forest
- River Mirna Basin Model Forest
- Montagne Fiorentine Model Forest
- Cesefor Foundation
- ASPEA - Portuguese Association for Environmental Education
- Graine
- Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Macedonia
Financing: Erasmus +, the main funding mechanism of the European Community for training
* this page will be updated with new information or materials as the project progresses