The Ifrane Model Forest celebrates the 30th anniversary of the International Model Forest Network

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the International Model Forest Network, the Ifrane Model Forest Association (AFMI) is organizing a series of activities for middle and high school students dedicated to environmental education and communication. This initiative aims to make young people aware of sustainable development through the practice of journalism and to understand the concept of Model Forest.
There are a total of 6 schools involved (3 colleges and 3 high schools). The first workshop was held on 12 November 2022 which involved 24 students of both sexes representing the Tarik Ibn Ziad di Azrou, Mohammed V di Azrou e Lycée de Timahdite ei Collegi di Ibn Rochd di Ait Yahia Ou Alla, Omar Ben Abdellaziz e Dayet Aoua schools.
During the day, the concept of Model Forest and the principles on which it is based were presented to the students. AFMI then illustrated the projects that the Association has developed over the years on the territory and, for the students, it was also an opportunity to comparison and exchange with representatives of associations and cooperatives that have been partners and beneficiaries of AFMI projects. The day ended with a workshop, held by journalists Mohammed Drihem, dedicated to journalistic investigation, shooting techniques, photos and animated videos.
On December 11th, on the occasion of the International Day of Mountains, the AFMI Association is also organizing a workshop that will involve its members and sympathizers, with the aim of laying the foundations for a new vision of sustainable development in the territory of Ifrane and establish a draft of the Action Plan for the decade 2022-2032.
During the day, through which the association intends to recall the results achieved by AFMI since its creation and evaluate the major pilot projects as well as the significant initiatives it has implemented in the areas of its interventions, a broad debate will be opened with all the partners and stakeholders to join efforts and chart a roadmap in the service of people and the environment.
During this workshop, videos will be shown summarizing the principle of model forests, the history of the International Model Forest Network and that of AFMI (the first North African Model Forest), as well as its results in 12 years of hard and continuous work.
During the day, prizes will also be awarded to the young schoolchildren who win the competition for young reporters organized by the Ifrane Model Forest Association.