What are the advantages of becoming a model forest and joining the International Model Forest Network:
- Access to a dynamic global community that shares knowledge, collaborates on research, and exchanges ideas and experiences locally, regionally and internationally
- Leadership in inclusive, innovative and equitable consensus-building for the sustainable management of forest-based landscapes and natural resources
- A testing ground for national forest programs and priorities (such as REDD+ or others) for scaling up within and beyond Model Forest boundaries
- Opportunities to accelerate progress toward meeting international commitments such as the Paris Agreement, Sustainable Development Goals, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and Land Degradation Neutrality goal.
To join the IMFN, a Model Forest proposal and supporting strategic plan must be completed and endorsed by the IMFN Secretariat and the Regional Network in your area. For more infromation contact the IMFN at
A Model Forest is a landscape that represents a range of values and issues in a geographic area encompassing forests, agricultural land, rivers and lakes, towns and cities, protected areas and other landscape features. To help identify the values and issues of the stakeholders involved, a rationale should be developed for why a particular geographic boundary is chosen.
For more information visit the IMFN web site