MEDfOR: the MMFN again supports the project

MEDfOR: the MMFN again supports the project

MEDfOR Project borned in 2012, already supported by the MMFN in the last call, is a two-year world-class International Master Programme on the field of Forestry and sustainability. This international Master degree bring together the best expertise, human resources and facilities to educate the next generation of leaders in forestry, natural resources, environmental challenges and public and private land management throughout the Mediterranean region.

MEDfOR will address FAO Silva Mediterranea concerns with knowledge gaps and fragmentation in the region and it will contribute to the implementation of the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda (MFRA) which is part of the Strategic Research Agenda of the European Forest Based Sector Technology Platform (FTP).

The Program is offered by a Consortium of top ranked Universities supported by a consultation panel with several associated partners and stakeholders that come from leading international research and outreach organizations and the Secretariat of Mediterranean Model Forest Network is part of consultation panel. 

In particular the project proposal is coordinated by the University of Lisbon, Portugal - School of Agriculture, and includes as partners the following Universities: University of Lleida, Spain; University of Valladolid, Spain; Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey; University of Tuscia, Italy; University of Padova, Italy and the Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal. 

The Model Forests and MMFN Secretariat could consider, for its offices in the Mediterranean region, internships of advanced Master students. The exchange of students and mutual internships possible in our and other participating institutions will be highly beneficial for the whole forest sector.

* FOTO by MEDfOR: 5th edizion of Master (2016/2018) - Summer Event organized by the University of Tuscia in the Alpine Region_ July 2018 - ( )