Dom, Feb 23, 2025

MedForum 2014

MedForum 2014

The MedForum 2014 was held on October 14-15-16 in Skradin (Dalmatia, Croatia).

The Institute for Adriatic Crops (IAC), the Sibenik-Knin County and the secretariat of the MMFN were responsible for organizing the MedForum 2014. The Croatian Forest Research Institute (Lead Partner of the "AMF" Project) collaborated in the organization.

During the first day of MedForum 2014 the following topics were mainly covered:

  • New communication strategies for the MMFN
  • New funding opportunities for MMFN members

In addition to the general assembly, the program included a trip in the territory of Dalmatian Model Forest.

The visit to the pre-selected Dalmatian Model Forest landscape and partnership, offered participants a perspective on local Model Forest activities.

During the last day of MedForum2014, the "Final draft of the Strategic plan” of the “AFM Project” was discussed and the event was reserved for the partners of the project.


The goals of the event was:

  • To consolidate the MMFN in the Balkans/Adriatic region, as a way of supporting the improvement of sustainable forest management in the whole Mediterranean;
  • To strengthen networking capacities of Network members in the local Model Forest development process;
  • To stimulate reflection and discussion on the way forward in research, programs and policies to support effective governance and management in the Mediterranean basin;
  • To draw together representatives of like-minded and like-mandated organizations and initiatives, to catalyze opportunities for networking and collaboration in the Mediterranean basin;
  • To support and achieve the procedure of creation of the second Model Forest in Croatia (in Dalmatia) as the pilot site of the IPA ADRIATIC “Adriatic Model Forest” project.


The specific objectives of the event therefore included:

  1. To agree on a new version of the Communication Plan for the Network;
  2. To consolidate a MMFN monitoring and evaluation system in order to follow and support the Model Forest initiatives in the period 2014-2020;
  3. To explore new funding options for the Network and its Secretariat.


MedForum 2014 - Program of Activities

