In a nutshell
Region of Istria has signed a Memorandum of understanding in the year 2008 and become a member of the International Model Forest Network.
“Model Forest Istria” was established in the year 2013 with 38 founders as a legal, non-profit association and has become a member of the Mediterranean Network in the year 2014.
Partnership of the Model Forest consists of municipalities and cities, public institutions, private and public businesses, associations and individuals.
All activities that preceded the registration of the association “Model Forest Istria” have been done in the period between 2009 and 2012 through the project of the European programme for territorial cooperation MED “Model Forest – new tool for territorial governance” that included regions of the Northern rim of the Mediterranean.
Strategic Plan of our MF highlights main fields of activities:
- Forestry, hunting and renewable energy resources
- Agriculture, cattle breeding and sustainable management
- Non-wood forest products
- Rural tourism
- Education, communications and nature protection
During the time, significant areas of activities were identified:
- Education for sustainable development; forest pedagogy
- Non wood forest products protection and valorisation
- Development of the socio-cultural and touristic activities, products and service
in the territory of the MF
Year of affiliation IMFN
Trg slobode, Pazin Croatia
+385 99 229 8139
"Model Forest Istria" is located in the north-western part of the Istrian peninsula. Administratively, it belongs to the Region of Istria, and it expands over the territory of 4 cities and 10 Municipalities.
Landscape of the MF is very diverse and covers river Mirna flow, highland area of Cicaria mountain, and lower areas with hills and villages known for vine production and valuable truffle habitats.
“Model Forest Istria“encompasses a total surface of 116.200 ha or 1.162 square km. This area comprises of 242 settlements and has a population of 39.335 inhabitants; the average population density is 42 inhabitants per square km. Forests occupy a surface of 66.556 ha.
The ratio of forest owners in the Model Forest area is 4:1 for the private forest owners compared to state-owned forests. We can conclude that forested land on the territory of the Model Forest amounts to 57% of the total land.
In the last 40 years, pastures and agricultural land is being abandoned which leads to an increase in forested surfaces. This is especially true for the highland territories from where the population has migrated to bigger urban areas. Among other things, the Model Forest is confronted with a big challenge of finding the right tools and solutions to return such surfaces to their basic purpose of making an income for the local population.