Last week Italy hosted the G7 Summit where on June 15 the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau met with the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.
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From 11th to 13th of June the Secretariat of the MMFN took part in the ERIAFF 10th Annual Conference 2024 in Seinäjoki (Finland).
On 20 and 21 May 2024 the Tlemcen Model Forest organized a training on how to reduce collisions of birds and disturbances on electricity networks and on programmes for monitoring birds of prey populations.
On the 8th of June the territory of the Valle dell’Aterno Model Forest will host the final event of the project ASMed - From the Apennines to the Shouf: migrations of experiences and knowledge across the Mediterranean.
It was a fully booked month for the Provence Model Forest.
In the occasion of the International Forest Day 2024 the Sherwood's Editorial Board presented a Closer to Nature Forestry Manifesto, addressed to all those working in the forestry and environmental sector, to promote better management of Italy's forests.
The International Day of Forests was celebrated throughout the entire Mediterranean Network with several events which involved the communities and their territories. Here we present two of these events, the one organized in Morocco by the Ifrane Model Forest and the Greece one, in the territory of the Western Macedonia Model Forest.