ROSEWOOD 4.0: taking the ROSEWOOD network to the next level!

ROSEWOOD 4.0: taking the ROSEWOOD network to the next level!

Do you remember the ROSEWOOD project that has developed a broad European network for the transfer of Best Practices and innovations in sustainable wood mobilisation? Version 4.0 was born from this!

This new project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, builds on the ROSEWOOD network of regional hubs, extending this well-established network both in geographical reach and the breadth of tools and solutions shared with stakeholders across Europe.


Rosewood 4.0 Hub Regionali


ROSEWOOD4.0 focuses on digitalisation and digital tools for knowledge transfer, training and coaching, enabling practitioners to share knowhow with much wider impact. The project enhances the existing ROSEWOOD EU network of regions to give more actors in the wood mobilisation value chain increased opportunities for sharing good practices in the field and provides access to a wider range of technological and non-technological innovations.

The focus on digital platforms and digital training solutions addresses an identified gap, where the forestry sector lags behind in terms of adaptation and spreading of modern ICT solutions. This contributes to two main challenges in wood mobilisation in Europe, namely access to primary resources and transparency of the market.  By sharing ICT-driven solutions for forestry, ROSEWOOD4.0 will contribute to enhanced competitiveness of the forest industry and to vital development in rural areas within the European Bioeconomy.

The concept of Model Forest has already been indicated, in the context of the previous Rosewood project, as Best Practice in the governance of rural areas. The Mediterranean Model Forest Network was presented during the final conference of the first project and the Secretariat actively participated in the Rosewood project from the beginning and will continue to do so, through collaboration with AIEL, the Italian partner and with Cesefor, partner of the MMFN network.



  • reinforced and enlarged links with Eastern Europe
  • new member countries: Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Portugal, Greece, Norway, Sweden
  • greater geographical reach with FIVE regional hubs
  • digital training tools, materials and methodologies
  • increased flow of practical information between foresters in Europe
  • greater user uptake and adoption of solutions