الإثنين, آذار 31, 2025

“L'Accord de Paris en Action”: An IKI-Funded Project for Forest and Landscape Restoration in Morocco

“L'Accord de Paris en Action”: An IKI-Funded Project for Forest and Landscape Restoration in Morocco

“L'Accord de Paris en Action: Intensifier la restauration des forêts et des paysages pour mettre en œuvre des contributions déterminées au niveau national” is a project funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and implemented in collaboration with the FAO. The project focuses on implementing the Paris Agreement through forest restoration activities. Key partners include Moroccan entities such as the Ifrane Model Forest, the Talassemtane National Park, and the Midelt Model Forest initiative.

The restoration site of the Ifrane Model Forest covers 25 hectares of a degraded cedar forest ecosystem, with cedar plantations initiated in 2023. The Midelt Model Forest is restoring an additional 20 hectares, planting various tree species and preventing overgrazing. A cedar area, protected from overgrazing for 20 years, is showing increased natural regeneration and can provide seeds for reforestation in the Ifrane National Park. 

Local women were involved in the management of the plantation, including emergency watering and the replacement of the dead ones. In the same area, they also worked on restoring the traditional “Agdal” pasture system, which is particularly effective in meeting biodiversity restoration objectives while improving sheep and goat grazing conditions.


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