8th Mediterranean Forest Week - Registration open on the new website

8th Mediterranean Forest Week - Registration open on the new website

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The next edition of the Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW) will be held in Barcelona (Spain) from 4 to 8 November 2024, titled “Working together for sustainable and resilient Mediterranean forests. Towards a collaborative roadmap”.


MedForum 2024


As usual, during the week also the MedForum will take place, gathering all the Model Forests of the Mediterranean.

MedForums are pivotal events that bring together the Mediterranean Model Forests Network to collaborate, share experiences, and chart the future of the network. The event features a general assembly where participants assess the current state of the network, along with an engaging program of learning activities, best practice sharing, and networking opportunities. These activities also focus on disseminating project results and exploring ways to replicate successful initiatives across the network.

In this edition, the central theme of the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week will be explored through the lens of the Mediterranean Model Forests. To broaden the discussion beyond the region, Jaroslaw Bator, representing the Northern European Model Forests Regional Network, and Patrick Wylie, Senior Policy Analyst from the International Model Forest Network Secretariat, Canada Government, have been invited to contribute their insights.


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Registration to the 8th Mediterranean Forest Week


Registration to the conference is now open, join the Mediterranean Forest Week for insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and engaging activities.

MFW is committed to reducing its environmental impact. For attendees joining in person, the registration fee includes a contribution to climate change compensation measures to support sustainable practices, while all catering at the conference venue is vegetarian and locally sourced, where possible.

For any questions or additional information, please contact Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.



The MFW serves as a platform for cooperation among researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, fostering dialogue on the challenges faced by Mediterranean forests.

Despite the continuous increase in forest cover over the past decades, mainly due to land use changes, the region faces challenges, including 80 million hectares of degraded land and 400 000 hectares burnt every year by wildfires. Climate change threatens 16% of animal and plant species in Mediterranean forests, while severity and length of droughts shrinks the distribution ranges of the most important tree species of the Mediterranean. The 8th MFW will delve into solutions and initiatives for the restoration and sustainable management of these ecosystems.

Through plenary sessions, debate and discussion, the 8th MFW topics include:

  • Successful landscape approaches in forest restoration for resilience and biodiversity conservation;
  • Efficient forest management for adaptation to climate change;
  • Broader stakeholder engagement in integrated management of Mediterranean forests, with a focus on youth.

MFW is one of the highlights of the Mediterranean forest calendar, offering the opportunity for networking, brainstorming and solution sharing on the most crucial issues for Mediterranean forests. MFW brings the Mediterranean forest community together for a deep dive into what is happening today and for the future in Mediterranean forests.

Join us in Barcelona!