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Ljubljana hosted the ONEforest General Assembly Meeting

Ljubljana hosted the ONEforest General Assembly Meeting

Between 26 – 28 September the ONEforest consortium celebrated its second General Assembly Meeting of 2022 in Ljubljana, hosted by the University of Ljubljana - Biotechnical Faculty, to discuss the progress and developments carried out so far.

The project aims to create a multi-criteria decision support system for integrated forest management to strengthen forest resilience, harmonize stakeholder interests and ensure sustainability of timber flows. The project had individuated four case studies, following European bio-geographical regions, to study climate resilient silvicultural management practices and new seeding and planting methods through the application of a proprietary engineered topsoil based on wood fibres.

After 16 months into the project, partners were happy to finally meet all in person and have a general overview of the work carried out so far and jointly discuss the challenges and improvements needed in some issues. Given that the project faces its first reporting period in December, this meeting was key to justifying that ONEforest is on the right track to achieve the defined impacts.

Additionally, the consortium enjoyed the field trip to Ljubelj Case Study Site into Slovenian Mountain Forests. This area is part of the two study sites that represent a cross-alpine gradient. Here the dominant species are Fagus sylvatica, Abies alba, Picea abies, Acer pseudoplatanus and the focused Forest Ecosystem Services are a protective function against rockfall and erosion and wood production.
